Sunday, September 8, 2013

Program Overview

Detailed Overview of Classical Conversations Program

Classical Conversations was developed and founded by Leigh Bortins, a homeschooling mother of four from North Carolina. Bortins designed the program to connect Christian homeschooling families across the U.S. who choose to embrace a classical education approach. These families are organized into "communities," local groups of directors, tutors, parents and students who meet weekly and commit to following the recommended structure and curriculum.
Classical Conversations Structure and Costs Each Classical Conversations community is headed by a trained director, who oversees the tutors and manages the local group. The directors and tutors are paid based on the number of students in the community. Parents often sign up as tutors to offset the cost of the program for their own children. In addition to tuition costs, parents pay for the cost of the curriculum and any needed materials, a yearly registration fee, art and supply fee, and a facility fee.
For families who have children 3 and under on campus, there is a fee for nursery/child care.
For those who have non-enrolled children on campus in the afternoon, there is an afternoon program fee.
Based on the Classical Education Model Classical Conversations bases its home school program on the classical education model of the three stages of learning, called the Trivium – the grammar stage (knowledge), dialectic stage (understanding), and the rhetoric stage (wisdom).
Foundations Program: Memorization for K–6th Grade Students The Classical Conversations Foundations Program is centered on a rigorous memorization program in the following subjects: history, geography, science, timeline, art, music, English, Latin, math, and Bible verses. Each week, CC tutors use drills, songs, and games to memorize facts and vocabulary in the various subjects. Art projects, science experiments, and oral presentations are also included at the Foundations level.
Foundations students may also participate in the optional Memory Masters track, a designation awarded to those who have memorized and successfully recited all facts for the year.
Memorization Topics Covered in Three Cycles Over Three Years Classical Conversations structures its learning cycles into three years. Each cycle is 24 weeks – 12 weeks in the fall semester, and 12 weeks in the winter-spring semester.
  • Cycle 1: Ancient Through Modern World History, Biology, Earth Science, Art (Masters & Drawing), English (Verbs & Prepositions), Latin (Noun Endings/Declensions), Bible Memory (Exodus 20)
  • Cycle 2: Pre-Reformation World History Through Today, Ecology, Astronomy, Physical Science, Art (Impressionists, Drawing), English (Pronouns, Adverbs, Conjunctions), Latin (Verb Endings/Conjugations), Bible Memory (Ephesians 6)
  • Cycle 3: U.S. History (Columbus to Current Events), Anatomy, Chemistry, Art (American Masters, Drawing), English (Participles, Irregular Verb Tenses, and Clauses), Latin (Translating John 1), Bible Memory (John 1:1-7)
  • All Cycles: Creation to Modern America Timeline, Music (Composers, Music Theory), Math (Multiplication Tables, Conversions, Geometric Formulas)
Essentials Program: Afternoon Classes for 4th–6th Grade Students In addition to the Foundations program, Classical Conversations offers the Essentials Program for 3rd through 6th grade students. Essentials is a two-hour afternoon class covering English grammar, writing, and math drills. Essentials is designed to complement the Foundations classes, but it is not a prerequisite.
A Typical Day at a Classical Conversations Community Communities meet once a week, and follow a typical schedule for the Foundations and Essentials students:
  • 9:10–9:30 a.m.: Entire group gathers and opens with prayer, a presentation by one or two of the families, announcements, and Bible verse recitations.
  • 9:30–Noon: Classes focusing on memorizing facts in core subjects, hands-on arts projects, science projects, and presentation skills.
  • Noon–1:00 p.m.: Lunch and Recess
  • 1:00–3:00 p.m.: Essentials Program for 4th through 6th grade students.
The Challenge Programs for Junior High and High School Students Classical Conversations’ Challenge programs for 7th–12th graders take on an even more rigorous academic load than the CC younger students. Junior high and high school students meet for 30 weeks – 15 weeks in the fall, and 15 weeks in the spring. The upper levels focus on Saxon Math, Apologia science curriculum, classic literature, writing skills, Latin, debate, and logic and rhetoric using Socratic methods.
The goals at the Challenge level are to provide home school students with college-prep instruction using the classical education model, and to equip parents with record keeping and transcript preparation information.
Learn More about Classical ConversationsHow does a Christian homeschooling family decide whether Classical Conversations is the right fit for their children? First, pray for God’s wisdom and direction. Next, attend a CC information meeting or Open House, and ask a lot of questions. Research and consult with other parents about their experiences.
For some, Classical Conversations may be the answer to many homeschooling dilemmas. For others, another approach may be more appropriate. One of the beauties of homeschooling is the freedom to find the right educational fit for each family.

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